threeisthecharm wrote in
Apr 04, 2008 12:33
[Filter: Private; Grandbellian]
We did the right thing.
[Filter: Noël; Grandbellian]
We should be safe here for now...
[Filter: Gareth; Grandbellian]
Just checking if you're okay.
[Filter: Abby; Grandbellian]
You guys have all left the Estate, I hope?
[long pause]
[Filter: Altair; Grandbellian]
how are
are you with him?
sebastian jungvy
threeisthecharm wrote in
Mar 27, 2008 11:21
[a series of quick, random sketches, being torn out a few seconds after they're finished, one after the other]
shit [inked out messily]
sebastian jungvy
threeisthecharm wrote in
Mar 10, 2008 18:05
[Filter: Alt
[Filter: Private; Grandbellian]
What would I say to him anyway
[Filter: Pelleas; Grandbellian]
Sorry again. [pause] How are your hands?
[Filter: Gareth; Grandbellian]
[Filter: Noël; Grandbellian]
[long pause]
I found a new cat at the south garden...
[added later]
[Filter: Public]
[a rough, but pretty good sketch of a cat]
sebastian jungvy
threeisthecharm wrote in
Jan 23, 2008 11:51
[Language: Grandbellian]
I wonder just how slower this journey would be if there were enough distractions to get Alt certain people sidetracked~
sebastian jungvy